How to Get a Rise of the Resistance Boarding Pass: Step By Step Instructions

How can you get a coveted Rise of the Resistance Boarding Pass? We’ve got you covered! This article will cover step by step instructions and our top tips for ensuring that you’re able to secure a boarding group. NOTE: As of November 3rd, 2020, the process has CHANGED. If you are only familiar with the process from before that date,

How can you get a coveted Rise of the Resistance Boarding Pass? We’ve got you covered! This article will cover step by step instructions and our top tips for ensuring that you’re able to secure a boarding group.

NOTE: As of November 3rd, 2020, the process has CHANGED. If you are only familiar with the process from before that date, be sure to read on to make sure that you know the updated procedure!

Step by Step Overview

Boarding passes become available at 7 AM and you do NOT need to be within Hollywood Studios to obtain one. As long as you have a Hollywood Studios park pass for that day, you will have access to join the virtual queue no matter where you are (whether it be your hotel, your home, or even your car).

To start, make sure that you have the My Disney Experience app downloaded onto your device and are logged into the account that has the park pass reservation for the day. Everyone in your party should do the same (but more on this below in Tip #4).

When the time comes (be sure to be on BEFORE 7 AM – see Tip #1), scroll down on the homepage of your My Disney Experience app until you find the “Join a Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group” section and click it (or, click the three lines on the bottom right of the app and select “Virtual Queues”).

On the “Join Virtual Queue” page, pull the page down to refresh – at exactly 7 AM, you will see the “Join” button – click this immediately.

How To Get A Rise of the Resistance Boarding Pass

The next screen will be your Friends & Family list, which is where you can select the other people in your party who also need a boarding group. However (and this is our BEST tip) – do NOT look at your list or linger on this page at all, for any reason. The app will automatically select everyone in your Friends & Family list who also has a Hollywood Studios park reservation for that day. That means that all you have to do is immediately click the next button, at which point, you will (hopefully!) secure a boarding pass. Many people don’t realize this, waste time checking the list/selecting people, and then miss out on getting a pass – and by just clicking the button, we managed to get boarding group #3 (and our friend got boarding group #1)!

If you’d like to view a step by step recording, check out our video here.

Now that you know what to do, here are our other best tips for actually ensuring that you can secure a pass.

Tip #1: Be online early

Boarding passes fill up INCREDIBLY quickly – we’re talking within 10 seconds or less. We recommend that a few minutes before, you take out your phone and prepare. You should plan to have three minutes (at least) to have everyone in your party open the app, make sure they know where to click, and begin refreshing by pulling the page down with your finger.

If you’d like, use a seconds clock such as and watch it on a separate device so you know exactly when 7 AM hits and can immediately refresh.

Tip #2: Find your own space

If you’re in your hotel room or even alone in your car, you’re set. But if you’re at the parks, in an airport, or anywhere else where others are around, we recommend moving as far away from others as possible and finding your own space. This will allow you to not only focus on what you’re doing, but also have the best cell service possible! Because…

Tip #3: Turn off WiFi

As long as you’re in an area with good cell service (LTE), we recommend turning off your WiFi. This is unscientific, but we’ve found that the process is slightly faster when not on WiFi, and those few milliseconds make all the difference!

Tip #4: Make sure everyone in your party tries

EVERYONE in your party can try to get a boarding pass – and everyone absolutely should. The app is smart enough that even if you’re all trying and click at exactly the same time, it will only give the group’s pass to one person (so you won’t end up with multiple passes). As a result, everyone should try to get a pass! This means that if anyone’s My Disney Experience account is managed by a family member (such as Dad managing Grandpa’s account, Mom managing daughter’s account, etc.), as long as that person has a phone, they should have their own standalone account. This will allow them to log into that account on their phone so that they can try to get a boarding pass as well! The more people trying, the more chances you have.

Tip #5: Be fast!

It may be obvious, but speed is the name of the game here. The process is very easy and intuitive, so don’t hesitate – click the buttons, be confident, and move quickly!

BONUS TIP: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

Boarding passes become available again at 1PM. For the 1PM drop, you (and everyone in your group), must be physically present in the parks. Use the tips above to try a second time!